21 Expert tips women should follow for healthy pregnancy

Hello friends....how are you all?? Hope you all are happy and healthy.

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Today I am going to share some healthy tips for all mommies to be...

Being a mum is a gift itself but the period of pregnancy is also filled with lots of happiness. But with happiness comes mood swings and physical strain. From those nine months of pregnancy to labor and delivery, everything includes a lot of physical and psychological changes and also cause changes in lifestyle and each change gives rise to a challenge which can be met successfully if the women share her emotions and feelings to her partner and also gets support from her partner.

For having a healthy pregnancy, it actually starts before getting pregnant. The importance of taking care of health during pregnancy is emphasized because proper health care increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and contented parents.

So today I am going to share some tips on what to do and what not to do during pregnancy as it is a period that requires a lot of care for a healthy pregnancy and hence a healthy baby. 


If you are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant then it’s very important to take care of your health from the very beginning to have a healthy pregnancy. Taking care of yourself and your baby should be your first priority. Some of the tips to have a healthy pregnancy are:

  • Take prenatal vitamins:
If you are pregnant or you are planning to conceive then it is better then to start taking prenatal vitamins. These vitamins will ensure that the brain and the spinal cord of the baby develops within the initial months of pregnancy by providing the essential nutrients to the baby and the mother. You can get these prenatal vitamins at any drug store.
  • Exercise:
Stay active throughout your pregnancy as it ensures your general health and can also help reduce stress, control your weight, improve blood circulation, boosts your mood, and lets you sleep better. So it is important to take a pregnancy exercise class or walk for at least 15-20 minutes every day at a moderate pace, in cool, shaded areas or indoors in order to prevent overheating during pregnancy. Yoga or swimming are also great activities for pregnant women.
  • Join childbirth classes:
Either if it’s your first baby or even if it’s not your first pregnancy, in both the cases it’s very important to make yourself aware about healthy pregnancy and delivery. Attending childbirth classes will help your make aware about healthy pregnancy and will prepare you for delivery. It will also make you aware about infant care and will prepare you to take care of your newborn baby.
  • Practice kegel exercises:
Practicing Kegel exercises helps strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and uterus. If done correctly, this simple exercise can help make your delivery easier and prevent after delivery problems. It’s so easy that you can practice kegels even in the car, while you are sitting at your desk, or when standing in queue at the grocery store. 
  • Stop toxins intake:
Say no to alcohol, smoking, tobacco or any other kind of toxins to reduce the risk of miscarriage or other child birth related problems. Consuming such toxins while pregnancy also effects the health of the mother and baby, so it is better to stop taking such toxins from the very beginning of your pregnancy.
  • Amend your chores:
Even simple household chores like cleaning the washroom or cleaning your pets can be risky during pregnancy. Lifting heavy objects, climbing stairs or ladders or changing kitten litters or exposure to harsh chemicals can pose risk for both the mother and the baby. So it’s better to look upon your chores before doing.
  • Check your medications:
It’s important to look upon your medications when you are pregnant as it can harm both the mother and the baby. Consult your doctor before taking any medications, supplements or remedies during pregnancy.
  • Monitor your weight:
During pregnancy, it’s normal to feel hunger more often as you eat for two but taking on extra pounds will make it difficult to lose later. But at the same time being underweight can also pose risk to baby’s birth with low-weight, so better monitor your weight during pregnancy. So pregnant women’s BMI:
    - Underweight: Gain 28-40 pounds
    - Normal weight: Gain 25-35 pounds
    - Overweight: Gain 15-25 pounds
    - Obese: Gain 11-20 pounds
  • Drink enough water:
During pregnancy, your blood supplies oxygen and essential nutrients to the baby through the placenta and carries the waste and carbon dioxide away which means your blood volume increase by 50 percent to handle all these extra activities. So, you need to drink more to support that gain. Drinking water also helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, UTIs, fatigue, headaches, swelling, and other uncomfortable pregnancy problems. So aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day to keep yourself and the baby healthy and hydrated.
  • Eat a balanced diet:
As you are eating for the health of two, so it’s essential to supply all the nutrients to yourself as well as to the baby. Eat folate rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice to support the health of baby as well as yours. Load you diet with fruits to stay hydrated and keep your energy level lifted throughout your pregnancy.
  • Add fish to your diet:
In a study of more than 12,000 children, it was found that youngsters whose mothers ate fish during their pregnancy had higher I.Q.s and better motor and communication skills than those whose mothers did not eat fish. As fish is rich source of omega 3s, a nutrient which is responsible for brain development, it is recommended to pregnant women to add fish in their diets for better development of their babies. But some fishes contain mercury, which can be toxic to both babies and mothers, so do not say yes to those fishes.
  • Always wear sunscreen:
During pregnancy your skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight which means you are more prone to sunburn and chloasma, those dark, blotchy spots that sometimes appear on the face. So always apply a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and wear a hat and sunglasses while going out. Also some studies suggest you avoid staying in sun when pregnant.
  • Stay hygienic:
Wash your hands frequently to protect yourself from infections like Group B streptococcus, Fifth disease, cytomegalovirus, and chickenpox all of which can give rise to birth defects and other severe complications for your baby. Ethyl alcohol-based hand sanitizers are  great option during those times when you can't reach the sink. They protect you from most of the communicable infections and also maintains personal hygiene.

  • Enjoy your cravings:
To be true, no one can tell why pregnancy cravings happen. Some experts say they may be nature's way of providing nutrients to the mother as she may be lacking. Others say they are a sight of emotional thing. Regardless, as long as you are having an overall heathy balanced diet, it's okay to give way to your cravings. But just be careful to limit your cravings and know what snacks to take inside and what not to.
  • Find new friends:
Find new ways to meet other pregnant women and make new friends whether through a yoga class or childbirth class, a neighborhood or an online parenting forum. The support and resources from other women in the same boat as you gives you a sense of emotional strength during these ups and downs of pregnancy.
  • Postpartum depression:
We all have probably heard about postpartum depression but you may not be aware that 10 percent to 20 percent of women experience symptoms of major depression during pregnancy which increases the risk of preterm labor. If you're feeling sad for no reason, angry, or guilty or if you have lost interest in activities you usually enjoy or sleep too much the consult your doctor for help. Therapy, a support group, or meditation can help you fight postpartum depression during pregnancy.
  • Be aware when to call a doctor:
During pregnancy it can be confusing, especially when it's your first time to know which twinge is normal and which isn’t. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
    - Pain of any kind
    - Strong cramps
    - Contractions at 20-minute intervals
    - Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid
    - Dizziness or fainting
    - Shortness of breath
    - Heart palpitations
    - Constant nausea and vomiting
    - Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints)
    - Decreased rate of activities by the baby
  • Keep yourself indulged:
Indulge yourself throughout the day like sleep for 8 hours at night or if your have sleeping problems then take naps during the day. Indulge yourself in activities you enjoy to fight depression and anxiety during pregnancy. Also do not stress and stay relaxed as much as possible.
  • Say no to high heels:
Stick to heels like a 3-inch heel or less Wear only kitten heels, wedges, and platforms. When your belly grows, your center of gravity will change. So you may find yourself a little unsteady on your feet. Also you will have swollen ankles, so you will find yourself uncomfortable on high heels.
  • Don’t stay in hot bathtub for long:
If you are experiencing aches and pains during your pregnancy, relaxing in a hot tub may help you relax. But an increased body temperature during the first trimester can give rise to certain birth defects. Try a warm bath instead to balancing your body temperature.

  • Don’t stay in the same position for long:

Staying in one position like standing or sitting during pregnancy can be problematic as it can cause swollen ankles and also give rise to vein problems. So it is better to take a break and move around in regular intervals of time if you have been sitting or standing for a while.

So these were some of the tips on what to do and what not to do during your pregnancy. With this, I end my blog. 

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