How to stay happy and healthy as you age

Hey guys....How are you all doing....?? Hope you all are staying happy and healthy. Welcome to my another blog. Today my blog is dedicated to all uncles and aunts out there.

Aging doesn’t only mean getting older, actually there is not an exact definition about aging. But according to me aging means growing physically, mentally and emotionally over the course of life. But there’s a difference between what is aging and what is aging gracefully.

Aging means to grow physically but aging gracefully means to grow physically, mentally and emotionally and living a dignified life. As you grow old, not only your body needs extra care but your emotions also needs more care and attention.

So today my blog is dedicated to all the uncles and aunts who are in their 50s, 60s or 70s or any other age. We all must remember that age is just a number and we all have the sole right to enjoy our life no matter at what age we are.

We all must remember that enjoying life makes your life even more grand and happy as we all know that “The purpose of life is to be happy”

Most of us regret to be old as our skin get wrinkles and our body gets weak but we forget that aging has it’s own beauty. As it is rightly said that “Do not regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many”

So let’s begin with our blog quickly. Today my blog is about “How to stay happy and healthy as you age”


Aging gracefully doesn’t mean trying to look like a 20-something in your 50s or 60s but it’s all about living your best and having a healthy physical, mental and emotional balance to enjoy your life. As wine gets better with passing time, you also get better with age.


1. Be kind to your skin: Your skin is the largest organ of your body. So if you treat it with care and love, it can make you look beautiful and attractive even at your 50s, 60s or even older.

To keep it healthy and beautiful

  • Always apply sunscreen and wear protective clothes while going outside.
  • Get a yearly checkup to a dermatologist.
  • Do not use too much chemicals on your skin and stick to gentle products.
  • Always follow a strict skin care routine.
  • Drink enough water and stay hydrated.

2. Exercise regularly: Exercising regularly keeps away the risk of getting diseases such as heart attack or stroke and helps to retain your mobility and energy for longer. Exercise also reduces stress and gives you physical and mental peace. It also reduces skin and bone health. As per research, adults should do a moderate intensity exercise daily for 1.5-2 hours.

Some exercises includes:

  • Walking 
  • Jogging 
  • Swimming 
  • Cycling 

3. Check your diet: Healthy foods are the first priority when it comes to age gracefully. Old Adults should have a diet which includes 

  • Fruits and vegetables either fresh or canned
  • Lean proteins like fish and beans
  • Whole grain cereals of at least 3 ounces, breads, rice or pasta
  • Low fat or fat free dairy products such as milk, yogurt or cheese which have high vitamin D content.

Avoid using solid fats for cooking rather use oils. Say no to processed foods, refined sugars and unhealthy fats. You should also minimize your salt intake to keep your blood pressure low.

4. Mental health matters: Keeping you stress level down and being happy helps you in going a long way for a healthy and happy life and also helps you age well.

To keep your mood uplifted:

  • Spend time with your friends and loved ones: True relationships and better social life improves mental and emotional health. It also reduces stress levels and anxiety.
  • Accept your age: People who accept their age and does not regret for aging maintain a positive attitude towards aging and life. Leaning to embrace your age makes it all a difference.
  • Do what you enjoy: Engaging yourself in activities you enjoy will add on to your happiness. Spend time with nature, learn new skills and make new hobbies.

5. Keep your physical life active: It’s very important to stay physically active to stay away from diseases and feel energetic. Some of the options to stay active include:

  • Walking and hiking 
  • Going for vacations 
  • Group exercise classes 

6. Manage your stress: The effects of stress are vast on your body ranging from premature aging to wrinkles and fine lines to an increased risk of heart diseases. Some of the ways to reduce stress involves:

  • Meditation, breathing exercise or yoga 
  • Getting enough sleep 
  • Talking to your friends 
  • Spending time with your loved ones 

7. Say no to smoking and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption are responsible for causing premature aging and increased risk of diseases. Quitting smoking is not easy and it takes time to become habitual to say no but resources are available to help you. Consult a doctor for help. Try to limit your alcohol consumption or stop alcohol consumption to avoid the health risks.

8. Get quality sleep: Good quality sleep is important for better physical and mental health. It also helps to improve your skin’s health. Adults should sleep for 7-8 hours a day for good physical and mental health. Getting enough sleep helps:

  • Decreases the risk of getting heart attack and stroke 
  • Lowers down stress, anxiety and depression 
  • Lowers the risk of getting obese 
  • Improves focus and concentration level 

9. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is all about acceptance and living in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness has many benefits such as:

  • Improve focus 
  • Enhances memory 
  • Reduces stress 
  • Better emotional expressing capability 
  • Better relationship 
  • Improved immunity 

10. Give way to new hobbies: Adopting new hobbies helps you find new purposes and keeps you engaged throughout your life. Researches have proven that people who adopt new hobbies and engage in more activities tend to experience less depression, less stress, are more happy and live longer.

11. Go for regular checkup’s: Consulting a doctor on a regular basis helps the doctor to find the problems early and better even before they begin. As you age, regular checkup is a must as you become more prone to diseases. So consult your doctor how often should you go for a checkup based on your age.

So these were the tips for a healthy and happy lifestyle as you grow old. 

Always remember aging is not bad, aging is beautiful and graceful. So don’t age worried, "Age gracefully" and stay happy and healthy as you age.

I hope my blog helped you. Do tell me if you liked my blog or if my blog helped you in the comments section.

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