Frustration is the feeling which is experienced by an individual when he/she feels anger, rage, unsatisfaction or sadness. It’s a normal feeling people experience when situations get out of their control or you don’t get something you have wanted.
Frustration is caused due to uncertainty and insecurity when situations do not get under your control or due to your discontentment when you do not get what you want.
When you don’t have enough opportunities or have inadequate resources in your workplace, then it will impact your job performance negatively which will give rise to frustration within you for desired opportunities and resources
Any kind of relationship whether be it at home or at your workplace, when it is not certain and is unclear then you get unsatisfied from such relationships which gives rise to insecurities leading to frustration.

When you have effective communication then it encourages you to do better whether be it at home or at your workplace. But if you have undefined communication then it may give rise to frustration in you. It happens because unclear and undefined communication blocks the path of progress and development leading to frustration.
In today’s competitive world, it is most common reason for frustration among all ages of public. We as humans are ambitious and always want to achieve our best. But when we do not get our desired progress, then it gives rise to anger which leads to frustration. And it can happen in any aspect of life like your relationships or your work or even in project you are working upon.
The first and foremost step to deal with frustration is to notice what you are feeling. Trust it or not, but it’s not that easy to notice frustration arising in you. Sometimes, we blow up at our loved ones without any reason not even realizing that we were filled up with frustration. Luckily there is a way to notice that whether you are frustrated and that’s meditation. With the help of meditation, you become more aware of your feelings and sensations going on in your body. In the same way, when you notice that you are frustrated on something, then you can take immediate action to lower it rather than blowing it out on those who you love and care for you. One of the key benefits of meditation is that it helps you become self-aware about what is happening in the present moment. If you notice that you are getting angry and irritated regularly or if you have landed in trouble because of your anger issues at work, then meditation is helpful for you to avoid the buildup of frustration in you.

One of the healthiest ways to deal with frustration is exercise. Instead of loading all that build up energy inside you, you can simply release it through your physical workout. During your most annoying and frustrated moments, go for a run to release all your frustration. If you are really angry, you can just scream it out by looking at the sky to keep moving forward. You will actually notice that it feels good when all your pent up energy is out. Even those who don’t like running will find it relaxing to go for a run when you become frustrated. You can also go for other physical activities like dance if you want to convert your mood from that of frustration to that of happiness. And if you really have built up frustration for a long time then maybe you will find it relieving to go for weightlifting or any other vigorous exercising. You can grumble every time you lift your weight up taking all your frustrations out. And with exercising you are not only improving your physical health but also treating your frustration but of course in a healthy manner.

Admit to yourself if you have ever said something to your loved ones in a fit of rage due to frustration but you later regretted for the same. Then don’t worry it happens with almost everyone but we need to understand why this happens. It happens because whenever you are frustrated on something, you sometimes use harsh words to get the piled up frustration out from you to those who love and care for you and it hurts them. However, verbally attacking anyone to get rid of frustration doesn’t help you solve the problem, instead it only multiplies it. Practice nonviolent communication to reduce your rage and frustration.

Positive thinking alone won’t help treat your frustration. However, it can help you transform your thought process to a positive path. When a negative thought enters your mind, then think of a piece of evidence that gives a positive vibe to your mind to counter it. For example, you might think to yourself, "I forgot to buy fruits at the market, I’m so forgetful." But telling yourself that you’re a forgetful person is a permanent way to describe yourself for making a tiny mistake gives a negative path to your mind. Rather encourage yourself to think, "I forgot to buy fruits because I didn’t include it in the list while going to the market because I was too busy today than other usual days. I will buy fruits tomorrow." In that way, you include a reason to eliminate negative thoughts for any situation and give a new positive path to solve the problems.

When you deal with your frustration, we often pay all of our attention crying and blaming the problem you have instead of looking for the solution. When you find that a problem is growing bigger, then create a list of all the solutions to solve that problem. In that way, you remind yourself that the problem is not big and is solvable. Even Frustration is treatable. But frustration goes away only when we block all the negativity from our thoughts so that they don’t makes us feel bad for any problem and turn it into something big that makes us aggressive, depressed or hurt.

Experiencing frustration is a part of human life. But we need to understand that nothing is permanent and this phase will also pass. Whenever you feel excessively angry or frustrated for any situation then take a deep breath, and remember that this is not a permanent phase and you can deal with your frustration. You need to repeat to yourself that obstacles and challenges don’t last forever. Then can be a matter of pain for you when you face it but eventually as time passes, you will notice that your frustrations will also pass out. Just avoid making permanent decisions to solve temporary problems that make you feel regretful later.

It is common to struck yourself and keep thinking of the problems during your frustration but ruminating on your thoughts only tend to make a small problem an impossible one. So it is better to take action to distract yourself from thinking of the problems and it will eventually help you move on. If you notice that something is frustrating you, then it becomes important to distract yourself with a different task to avoid overthinking about the problem. You can play some anxiety relaxing game or go for aerobics or exercise, or watch a comic show to boost your mood. Avoid discussing your problems to your friend who takes it negatively because that may cause you to ruminate to the problem in a negative manner. You don’t need anyone who would agree with your frustrations but what you need is someone who will help you get out of your frustrations.

So these were some of the tips to deal with your frustration in trying situations. Always remember to stay strong and positive in every situation.
Never give way to negativity in your mind and always tell to yourself that nothing is permanent and you can handle it.
I hope you liked these tips. Hope these tips encouraged you to deal with your frustration in a better way. Do share your reviews in the comments section💬💬
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